Client : Noble Television
Diffuseur : CBC Television (Canada) / Pivot (USA)
Catégorie : Journalisme, Production
Interrupt This Program uncovers the underground arts scenes in cities that have experienced major traumas: natural disasters, long-term war, political unrest or economic meltdown. In each episode, we meet three or four young, determined local artists (plus one Canadian ex-pat to offer an outsider’s perspective) who are committed to making art that elicits change, displays courage or protests their city’s political and societal status quo.
Season 1, episode 03 – Port-Au-Prince: Art As Rebirth (48 minutes)
In Port-au-Prince a radio host, a photographer, a Rabòday singer, and a creole rapper showcase the emerging and subversive sounds and images of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.
Field director: Vali Fugulin
Behind the scene:
Meet Haiti’s Princess Eud: rapper, fashion designer and all-around creative powerhouse
Port-au-Prince by night, through the lens of photographer Josué Azor
« Music is the Haitian soul »: a primer on Haiti’s unstoppable music scene
An Interrupt This Program playlist: cutting-edge sounds from 5 global cities under pressure
Watch in full: